Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tour Easter time Island

Mankind bell Easter Island one of the wonders of the terrene. Celebrated for its giant stone statues, Easter Island is located in a remote cut of the Mollifying Ocean. The nearest populated areas, Tahiti and Chile, are thousands of miles out.


1. Decide if you requirement to tour with a aggregation on a prearranged tour or whether you'd prefer to excursion on your own. A numeral of companies pitch category tours by plane and boat. Provided planning the tour yourself, you'll need to fly from Chile to reach at Easter Island in approximately six hours.

2. Choose to stay in a hotel, guesthouse or private central. Provided you commutation with a tour, they arrange your accommodations for you. On your own, you can volume ahead or you can choose a put upon arrival from the locals who wait at the airport for tourists.

3. Travel inland To stay with the restored site of Ahu Akivi. Up north, enjoy the white sand beach while visiting the statues at Anakena Beach.5. Experience the native life by visiting Hanga Roa, the only town on the island.

Scan a map of the island to receive a thought of the layout. You can download a map from the Internet or purchase one on the island.4. Visit Tahai on the Western shore where some of the earliest Easter Island statues are located.

Most of the Rapanui, the Easter Island people, live there. You can further enjoy local culture by timing your trip to coincide with the local Tapati festival, which occurs in late January or early February.

6. Explore two of the volcanoes on Easter Island. Go the top of the Rano Kau Volcano to visit Orongo, a ceremonial site. At the other end of the island, visit Rano Raraku where ancient inhabitants quarried for the statues. Over 300 statues rest on its slopes.