Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Use Compression In Professional Tools

Compression is an indispensable factor in the cd studio. Compression allows you to ascendancy the dynamics of instruments with a express Broad dynamic range cognate drums or an acoustic guitar. Without compression a drum track would vary in manual so still that it would cause accomplishing a coherent blend also bothersome. With the right account of compression you Testament be able to amass the dynamics of the latest performance intact, while controlling some of the forcible span of the instrument.


Using Compression in Pro Tools

1. Produce a latest session in Pro Tools. Choose "Document" - "Contemporary Session" from the leading aliment.

Move the threshold slider to the left as your audio plays back. As you lower the threshold level you will notice the "reduction" meter shows more and more compression is being applied. The further you move the threshold slider to the left, the more compressed your track will be.8.

Record some audio. Press record and enter some audio into your track. It can be a guitar, vocals--anything you like.

4. Click the "Insert" button on the audio track.

5. Choose "Dynamics" from the sub-menu.

6. Press "Play."

7.2. Concoct a recent audio track.3.

Move the gain slider to the right. When you compress a track, the volume of the track becomes lower. To compensate for this, you use what is called "makeup gain." Moving the gain slider to the right will increase the volume, making up for the volume that was lost when you compressed the track. Try to return the track to its original volume before you added compression. Once you are done, your track will still be at the original volume, but it will be compressed. This will allow you to create a much better mix. That's it! You now know the basics of using compression in Pro Tools!