Friday, October 17, 2014

The Dangers Of Sharpie Markers

The beefy stench of a Sharpie marker is a nuisance to some, still a object to receive grand for others. Sharpies issue poisonous fumes that you or your child can sniff to enter a short euphoric sovereign state. Extremely established as "huffing" or "sniffing," many children are enchanting apportionment in this wick habit.


Inhalants, including Sharpie markers, can creator severe illness, such as neurological damage or much dissolution.

Signs of Inhalant Abuse

Pay attention to your child to identify the warning signs of possible inhalant abuse. A telltale sign of inhalant abuse is a constant bloody nose. Further physical signs include spots and sores around the mouth, red eyes and nausea.

Many young people, however, are testing the boundaries and becoming addicted to the effect of inhalants. Sniffing items such as Sharpies for intoxication purposes can lead to further substance abuse problems. Inhalants are a gateway drug, which means that they do not contain addictive properties but may lead to the use of harder, addictive drugs.

An inhalant is characterized by the Public College on Narcotic Abuse as "breathable chemical vapours that users deliberately inhale by reason of of the chemicals' mind-altering baggage." Other examples of inhalants insert cleaning solvents and paint cans.


Continuous exposure to inhaling Sharpie markers can lead to unconsciousness.

Inhalant abusers may also suffer from nausea and have a constant aroma of chemicals on clothes or the body. Slurred speech and unexplained anger and anxiety are also common symptoms of huffing or sniffing.