Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Framework An Oil Painting Under Glass

Expensive paintings in museums are typically placed under glass.

A depiciton is not plentiful unless it is framed. Provided you treasure an oil portray, apartment it under glass, which acts as a protective barrier against dust and moisture and keeps the picture unaltered. Choosing a suitable type of glass Testament extremely protect your oil portray from UV rays and lustrous, which tend tend to oxidize the colours and cook up them darker over age.


1. Appropriate a frame for your oil portray. Depending on the bigness of your picture and the Profundity of the stretcher, you may good buy ready-made frames or you Testament compass to circuit a custom-made frame. Provided ordering a custom-made frame, degree your illustration and cut the vastness to a framing shop. Choose a frame that works with the representation. For example, choose an appealing frame for a classical depiciton; whether the illustration is new or summary, catch a sleek frame. Specify that you occasion glass inside the frame. Frame shops typically reduce glass for many types of frames including paintings. Bias glass that blocks UV rays. This type of glass is aggrandized expensive, nevertheless the colors of the painting will not change over time.

2. Wipe the glass using a piece of cloth to remove any fingerprints from it. When handling the frame, avoid touching the glass.

Hang your painting on the wall using this hanger.

4. Place the painting into the frame from the back. Secure the frame to the canvas using frame clips, which you can find in crafts supply stores. Typically, frame clips are made to fit standard stretcher sizes, so measure your stretcher before you buy the clips. Use two clips for a small canvas -- such as one that is 5 by 7 inches or 8 by 10 inches -- placing one clip on the top area of the stretcher and one on the bottom. If the canvas is larger -- 24 by 36 inches or 24 by 30 inches -- get four frame clips, for top, bottom and two for the sides.

5. Insert two nails into the top of the stretcher. Cut a piece of wire, measuring the distance between the two nails plus one or two extra inches. Tie the ends of the wire around the nails.3. Put the frame with the glass facing down on an clean, even surface such as a table. If the canvas is large and you need to work on the floor, place a clean sheet of paper under the glass.