Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fresh paint Tribal Flames

You may not be dancing and singing "Greased Lightnin" atop your flamed machine agnate John Travolta, nevertheless custom painted tribal flame graphics add crasis and imagination to your vehicle. Using painted graphics rather than decals, which are commercially designed by someone else, gives you the break to author your own exclusive artwork.


1. Disinfected the surface of your vehicle to guard Correct adhesion of the distemper. Wash the motorcar with automobile wash soap and damp. Once dry, clean the van down with an automotive widen and grease remover.

2. Wet-sand the areas to be painted with 600-grit wet/dry sandpaper. Initiate by soaking the sand paper in a bucket of douse --- 3 to 5 drops of dish washing soap added. Deposit the sandpaper on a sanding block or an electric sander.

3. Sponge the vehivle with an automotive pre-paint cleaner. This Testament mildly etch the surface, besides as remove all sanding residue.

4. Include all areas not to be painted, such as the windows, wheels and grill with masking paper and tape. Subsume the areas to be painted with self-adhesive masking movie.

Attract your flame blueprint onto the masking movie using a permanent marker.7. Hint enclosing the flame shapes with a Art cutlass.8.

5. Reference images of flames online, at and Or in a feverous rod magazines such as Truckin' Periodical.6.

Peel out the flame shapes, leaving the period environing the flames yet masked.

9. Gloss the flame areas with automotive primer, using a distemper sprayer. Application three coats of primer. Confess the Ending coat of primer to completely dry. Primer should be dry within 45 minutes.

10. Benefit a whitewash sprayer to paint the flames. For gradations of more than one color, apply the light color, then add darker colors. Overlap and feather the edges to create smooth transitions. Feather an edge by spraying light, wispy sprays of one color where it overlaps the previous color. This will make some of the lighter color show through the darker color, creating a gradual, rather than abrupt, change from one color to the next.

11. Remove remainder of the self-adhesive masking paper before the paint dries, otherwise the masking paper can lift the paint with it. You can check dryness by touching paint on the masking paper (so you do not get fingerprints on the car). Remove masking paper when the paint feels slightly tacky.

12. Create a graphic outline around the flames with black, or with a color that goes well with the flame color. Carefully hand-paint the graphic outlines using a thin, round paintbrush, such as a size 2 or 4 brush. Allow the paint job to dry for Day and night.

13. Spray the automobile with 3 coats of automotive clear coat to bring back the luster and shine. Spray the clear coat consistently over the flame areas and outside the flame areas. Allow the clear coat to dry according to the dry time on the can.

14. Remove the masking from unpainted areas.

15. Buff the car with a soft cloth and automotive wax for a final, protective coating.