Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Create A Giclee From The Photo

Cook digital giclee photo prints

Giclee prints can be specious from any digital photo string, nevertheless a gigantic resolution photo is champion. You'll obligation to digitize your photo before you can conceive a giclee print, and you'll committal to acquisition a sort giclee printer. The giclee print system uses archival inks on good Craft or photographic paper. Most citizens don't carry open access to giclee printers, so you'll duty to treasure a native printer or online printer that can course your prints.


1. Read your photo whether it's not already digital. Operate a high-quality scanner and glance at at the highest likely resolution. You can also have a print shop scan your photos for you.

2. Adjust lighting and color of the digital image using photo editing software. Your giclee print is only as good as your digital file, so make sure the image is clean and color-corrected before you print.

3. Find a quality giclee printer and ask to see samples of its work before you make prints. Discuss paper options with your printer and decide whether you want coated or natural fiber paper.

4. Give the giclee print shop a high resolution digital file of your photo. Your printer will tell you what file type and format it prefers. You may be charged a fee for this, but it can save you from disappointment later if you're making several prints.

You can usually upload the photo to the printer's website or provide the file on a CD.5. Obtain a test print before the printer runs your entire job.