Monday, August 31, 2015

Create A Strong Back

One of the primary reasons we must to effect core conditioning and mature back health is that good posture is needed for an active lifestyle. Good, good posture is the decision of a healthy back and a healthy back comes from core conditioning.


1. Train your posture. Wear good shoes. Spend the extra few dollars on shoes with some sole and good support. They will pay for themselves if they save you from back pain.5.

Do core strengthening exercises every day. Cross over sit-ups, reverse curls, planks (bridges) and incline planks are all great to keep the abs, back muscles and butt muscles strong. Throw in a push-up or ten for good measure.

3. Walk. Walking is the best exercise for the back, preferably on trails or paths rather than on concrete or pavement.

4. Remember Mom always nagging you to stand up straight? She was right. Actually it has been shown that people whose mothers nagged at them about their posture tend to have fewer back problems. So remind yourself to sit up straight, shoulders down and back, tummy in and butt tucked under.2.

Stretch at least once every day. Stretch your thighs, your buttocks, your hamstrings and your chest. If you are at a desk all day, take five minutes out to stretch every hour or two.

6. Keep your weight down, especially if you tend to put it on around the stomach. A beer belly can throw your whole center of gravity off.