Thursday, August 27, 2015

Thin Gelcoat

Gel coat consists of fiberglass resin that is pigmented with colour. Add the catalyst to the gel coat following the recommendations on the containers. Stir that in using a stir stick. Tighten the lid onto the spray gun cup.4.

1. Pour the pre-matched gel coat into the Mug of the spray gun. Fill it up ¾ all-inclusive.

2. Add 1 tool styrene to 10 parts gel coat, and stir the two calm using a stir stick. The consistency of the gel coat should be around the same as car paint. Do not add more than 10% styrene to the gel coat or it might not harden.

3. Fiberglass resin is a thick liquid that requires a catalyst in direction to emerge as a solid. The consistency of gel coat is as well thick to utilize in a regular spray gun, so in method to operate it in a regular spray gun the gel coat Testament longing to be thinned gone using styrene. All the materials needed can be constitute at your resident marine servicing store.


Clean the spray gun thoroughly with acetone as soon as you're done spraying. The gel coat will harden up inside the gun if it's not cleaned after use.