Friday, August 21, 2015

Write A Telesales Script

A bright-eyed constructed telesales script can be an incredible asset to any gathering that solicits sales via the phone. By standardizing all outgoing sales calls a gathering has the function of maintaining a big commensurate of professionalism while providing a solution of consistency for all outbound sales representatives. However what provided you chalk up never written a telesales script before and aren't persuaded entertain started? This article outlines the basics.


1. Hold a unclouded sensitive of the design of the script. Discharge you wish to notify crowd approximately a bulky current product? Are you trying to elevate a current supply to existing customers? What is it that you would like your ring to prospective customers to achieve? Who are your customers and what type of tone accomplish you hope for to allot in your call? It is important to identify who your potential buyers are going to be so that you know approach them in a way that they can understand and relate to. Clearly if you are trying to sell upgrades to customers' long distance service your script would be quite different than say a business-to-business telesales script trying to promote health insurance plans to the CEO of a company.

2. Set the tone for your call. Depending on whom you are calling, you will want to adapt the script to suit the unique needs of that person. If you are selling something for the home you'll want to have a pleasant, affable tone, whereas if you're calling on a business, the mood should be friendly but more professional in nature. In all cases the salesperson should introduce himself by name and greet the prospective customer by name as well. This initial part of the call is extremely important because the salesperson only has a few seconds to state an agenda and make a point. If he does not initially come across as a pesky telemarketer, the recipient is a little more apt to hear what he has to say.

3. After the initial greeting it's time to cut to the chase and state the purpose for your call. The tone should be friendly, approachable and non-threatening. It should also get to the point quickly. No one wants to get unexpectedly slammed with a lengthy, pushy, in your face insistence on buying a product or service from a person he has never spoken to before. Instead explain that you are calling from company XYZ and that you would like to tell him about a great new product or service that has become available and what the advantages could be over what product or service that he may be using currently. Be sure to engage the potential customer in conversation about his current situation. If he is receptive to hearing more about what you have to offer, this is an excellent time to explain that you don't expect him to purchase it over the telephone, however, you would like to send him more information in the mail so that he can review it when he has the time. By establishing a non-invasive repertoire with your prospective customer he is less likely to perceive you as a pesky telemarketer to be avoided.

4. Realize that not everyone will be interested in your product or service, no matter how wonderful it is. Be sure that your script always thanks people for their time and wishes them a good day even if they are not interested in making a purchase or obtaining further information.5. After you have had the initial contact, have a follow-up script so that you can call on those people who did express an interest during the first call. Unfortunately, rejection is a part of life, especially when it comes to telephone sales. Some people may hang up outright, others may listen to a few seconds of the pitch before telling you that they have no interest. The key here is to deal with large volumes of people to ensure that you have the most sales potential.

You have already spoken with them once and established a working relationship. Call back to check on the status of their interest and to reiterate all of the fabulous features and wonderful things that your product or service has to offer. It may be prudent to offer a special promotion or deal as an incentive should they opt to make a purchase at that point in time.