Thursday, August 20, 2015

Plan A Compact disc Release Event

At once that you've Last of all finished your long-awaited Disc, you're ready to spring it on the globe. Unfortunately, this isn't always as cinch as it seems. While most independent bands or artists spend lots of bout and force on the tape course, most don't accord a abundance of sense to how they will marketplace or distribute the aim product. Unless you can amuse humans to get your Disc, your concentrated duty Testament be for naught.Luckily, there is a incomplex, inexpensive course of action to set off your recent project; a CD-release party. Release parties are a great way to introduce your music to existing fans, relatives, the media and hopefully some new followers. In this article you will find a simple, step-by-step approach to planning your CD-release party.

6. As the event approaches, plan out the evening's events. Decide how long you will play live, versus blasting your CD from the venue sound system. Make sure you secure several volunteers to man your merchandise table, and that they understand the pricing. Be sure that everything that you need is on site prior to opening the doors.7. Remember to have fun. Although this event is all about promoting your new CD, most of your guests are there to enjoy themselves. Take time to mingle with your fans, sign autographs and take lots of pictures. Don't forget that personality is almost as important as the music.

Secure a venue suitable for your party. If there's a local club or bar that has booked your band in the past, start there. Unless you're a well-known band, club owners typically won't let you have a Saturday night for your event, but they may be open to a Sunday or Tuesday night. If you can promise a decent crowd on a night when they are usually slow, most clubs will jump at the offer. If you can't find a suitable club, try local restaurants, community centers or even church multi-purpose rooms.

3. Put together an invitation list. Start with family, friends and existing fans, as they will most likely be interested in your event. Ask them if there are guests they would like to bring as well. Dates, extended-family members and friends of friends can really bump up the number of expected attendees. Next, reach out to your extended fan base through your website or MySpace page, or by handing out ads at your shows or on local college campuses.

4. Reach out to your local media. Send emails or printed invitations to local music critics, reviewers, celebrities and radio personalities. Although turnout from among this group is usually small, one good review or on-air promotion could really boost your image and CD sales.

5. As a final promotional push, put up posters in local music stores, restaurants, clubs or anywhere else that will let you advertise your event. Local colleges are a great source of potential fans who are looking for something new.


1. Make sure you have your new CD ready to go. One of the most common mistakes is to begin planning a release event before you have copies of your new CD in hand. Pick a date well after the promised delivery date. This will ensure that you don't have to postpone your event due to production delays or shipping issues.2.