Monday, August 17, 2015

Review Your Writing Having A Critical Eye

You can be your own editor.

Whether you create not yen to buy a competent editor, you Testament devoir to edit your own writing. Persons much disturbance that they carry extremely yet distort to Redact their own grind, nevertheless this isn't the event. To Stare at your writing with a critical eye, instead of reading cognate the writer, you peruse your writing as a reader would, and then Redact based on content and style. The consequent steps Testament facilitate you end this.


1. Good ones for creative writing pieces are, "Why am I reading this?", "Do I want to keep reading?", and "Is this piece going To possess a good ending?". If it's business writing, a good question is, "What am I being asked to do?" As you read and edit, you'll want to ensure these questions are answered. For any type of writing, it's important to ask, "What is going on?" or "What is this about?".

2. Print absent what you've written. Having the tough transcribe Testament benefit you announce as a reader rather than a writer, and errors can Frequently be deeper easily spotted in print than on the Shade. A arduous copy makes it easy to make edits and write notes in the margins.

3. Identify your intended audience before you begin reading or editing. Write this down. It may be a word or a whole sentence at the top of your first page. Then ask yourself how much background knowledge you expect your readers To possess on your topic. Will they likely be encountering the topic for the first time? If you are writing in a business context, your audience might be your boss or supervisor, but consider other readers that person might send a copy to. Make another note at the top of your page as to how much background knowledge your audience has, and keep this in mind as you read and edit.

4. Write down on a separate sheet of paper questions the reader will ask. Before you Redact or much construe your employment, you entail to fix it aside for some proportions of age so you can Stare at it with original eyes when you reimburse to it. For novelists, this may close setting it aside for three months. For someone writing a comprehend correspondence or a metier mail, this may beggarly an age. Consign yourself whatever period it takes to be reformed less known with the content so that you can discover it as though you're seeing it for the inceptive bit. If you can answer this question not as the writer but by reading your piece with fresh eyes, you know the writing makes sense and your readers will follow what you're saying. If you're not happy with your answers by the end of reading the work, you'll need to edit your writing accordingly. Make sure the readers' questions are answered in a logical order. Give your reader the background information she needs for immediate understanding. If a reader suddenly reads about an unfamiliar person or idea in the text, she will probably look back through the piece to see if she missed something. She may not continue reading if she realizes she cannot find it.

5. Check your spelling and grammar. Spell checks on word processors do not catch words that are spelled right but used incorrectly. For instance, you may have typed "you will loose everything" when you meant to say "you will lose everything." You need to Stare at every word and use a dictionary or grammar and style resource if necessary as you edit.

6. Make your writing more succinct by taking out unnecessary words, sentences, and paragraphs. If there's a shorter, more concise way to say something, say it that way, unless it's part of a fictional character's dialogue. Delete non-specific words like "seems to" and "almost." Surplus words and filler sentences only reduce the value of your important words and distract your reader from your main ideas.

7. Read your writing aloud. This helps make sure it flows well, both in terms of the content being in logical order, and your writing grammar use and style sounding natural. It also helps catch run-on sentences and word redundancy, which are harder to catch when reading.