Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Record Of Verbal Abuse

Provided someone is continually subjecting you to verbal bullying and intimidation, this is abusive behaviour.

Verbal terrorists end contents to amass someone in test, under containment and, usually, in a footing that they cowardice they cannot escape. When you are subjected to on-going verbal abuse, you are consistently barraged with hurtful comments that tear down your self-esteem and confidence and may intention you to concern for your vitality and sanity.

Fear of Expressing Yourself

Signs that you are continuance verbally abused and quashed comprehend an inability to direct your thoughts, feelings and opinions freely since you be read the abuser Testament ridicule you and maybe screamed at you.

Abuse, unfortunately, comes in many guises. There is physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse extremely as verbal abuse, which although not physically evil is emotionally devastating. Verbal abuse occurs when your Companion, classmate, fountain, co-worker or boss repeatedly says matters to you that are hurtful.

Beating Down the Other Person

Walking on Eggshells

Provided you touch as though you are walking on eggshells all the period, this is another communication that you are being verbally abused or involved in some other bleeding heart of abuse.

Do You Make Excuses for Him?

Engage in you adjust excuses for your Companion's behaviour when he is acting absent and verbally abusing you in front of others? This is another indicator that your conjunction has mature poisonous and abusive.

Manipulative Behavior

Does your Companion use words to manipulate you? Is it impossible To possess a normal conversation with him? Is it impossible to "win" an argument with him? Twisting your words and managing to turn things around to use them against you is a ploy of the verbal abuser. Does he indicate through his choice of words that you are stupid and interrupt you when you are trying to talk? Does he roll his eyes when you talk or walk away when responding to a question? These are all signs of abuse.


When a person frequently denies or flat out lies about things that he has said previously, insisting that you are the one who is wrong and misunderstood what was said, this is another indicator of verbal abuse.

Criticism, Name Calling, Put Downs, Sarcasm

Criticizing someone incessantly, yelling at them, calling them names and opting to humiliate a person in public are all part of the verbal abuser's repertoire.

If you are routinely subjected to name calling, put downs, sarcasm, yelling, cursing and threats, this is verbal abuse, according to Dr. Reena Sommer.