Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Tie Laces and ribbons For Pointe Footwear

Pointe is a die of ballet in which ballerinas wear pointe shoes. They uplift themselves up on the ends of the toes for moves and positions while performing. A pointe shoe is unreal of satin, two ribbons, a Numb blocked toe and an elastic strap across the top of the foot. The ribbons extend from the sides ultimate the elastic.


1. Incorporate foot into the shoe. Settle the foot on the floor so that the shin is at a ninety measure angle to the foot.

2. Grasp the ribbon that is on the inside of the foot and straighten it. Pull the ribbon until it is tight and proceeding it across the front of the ankle. Wrap the ribbon (staying ethical above the ankle bone) around the back, around the front again, stopping at the back of the ankle. The ribbon should feel tight, but shouldn't hurt when you move.

3. Still holding the first ribbon, grasp the ribbon on the opposite side of the shoe. Move it across the ankle toward the inside of the leg, around the back of the ankle, above the first ribbon. Continue to wrap the ribbon until you reach the front of the ankle again. Pass the end of the ribbon down through this wrap. Flatten and tighten.

It should be possible to do a plie with no restriction.

4. Tie the two ribbons together on the inside of the leg, behind the ankle bone. Tuck the knot up under the layers of ribbon to create a smooth, clean look.5. Stand up and check the ribbons.