Monday, December 22, 2014

Proper Grass Cutting Levels

Mow your lawn properly to advice develop a healthy lawn.

Whether you requirement to burgeon the lushest, greenest grass in the neighbourhood, you must adopt many burden techniques. Correct irrigation and fertilizing, For instance, are indispensable for a well-kept lawn. Correct mowing techniques, including maintaining and cutting at Correct heights, are as well.

Lawn Mowers

Rotary mowers are the most current mowers used and reduce the grass with blades that spin horizontally across the grass. Rotary mowers little convey a acceptable reduce when cutting the grass less than 1 inch, on the contrary it is clear to adjust the cutting heighth as needed. Wobble mowers, nevertheless, corner blades that spin vertically and incision grass else approximating a couple of scissors would. It damages grass less than rotary mowers and provides a also uniform cut than rotary mowers, but adjusting the cutting height is difficult.

Proper Cutting Height

Different grasses fare better when cut to different heights. For instance, warm-season grasses such as Bermuda, zoysia and centipede grass are usually best cut short, approximately 1 to 2 inches, depending on the variety. St. Augustine grass should be cut higher, between 2 1/2 and 4 inches. Cool-season grasses, such as tall fescue and Kentucky bluegrass, are usually best cut higher, approximately 2 to 3 inches. For instance, a grass that is best cut to 2 inches should be mowed when or before it reaches 3 inches. This means regular, more frequent mowings are a must when properly caring for a lawn.

Other Lawn Care Tips

Grass clippings are generally small enough when you mow your grass frequently that you do not need to rake them up.

In the fall, make the last cut about an inch shorter though.

Mowing Frequency

No matter what the cutting height, don't mow off more than one-third of the grass's height at any one time.

They will decompose and add nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, common ingredients in fertilizers, back to your soil. Also, mow your grass when it's dry; wet grass is difficult to mow. Change the direction of your mowing every one or two mowings. This will prevent the grass from being pushed down in any one direction. Also, have your mower blades sharpened in the spring and as needed during the growing season. Sharp blades make a clean cut, which is better for your lawn.