Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Fresh paint Tolex

Wash the Tolex with a sponge.

Tolex is a flexible vinyl facts used as atom of some amplifiers and guitar cases. Comparable other Supple vinyl surfaces, Tolex can be effortful to tint for a twosome of reasons. Unlike porous materials, Tolex is incapable of absorbing gloss adhesives. All the more provided you are able to receive Common latex or oil stain to bond to your Tolex, these coatings Testament crack and flake, through they aren't suited for pliable surfaces. Coat the Tolex with flexible vinyl spray paint. Don't hold the can too close, or sagging will result. Maintain 8 inches between the Tolex and spray nozzle as you apply to elevate a neat, flawless finish. Allow the Tolex to dry for two hours.

Move the sponge in a circular motion. Rinse the Tolex with wet rags. Dry the flexible vinyl with towels or wait an hour for it to air dry.

2. Shield areas of the amplifier or guitar case next to the Tolex, using painter's tape/masking paper. Place the amplifier or guitar case on a drop cloth.

3. Happily, you may gloss your Tolex as great as you use a special finish made for flexible, nonporous materials.


1. Wash the Tolex with soap.