Thursday, December 25, 2014

Draw Yourself Like A Chibi

A Chibi character is a microscopic cartoon emotions invented by the Japanese. The tete-a-tete basically translates to "pleasant insufficient mortal," and is used in Shojo Magnas and in cartoons for budding children. The Chibi character retain heads that are two or three times larger than remainder of the object, and the arms and legs of the characters are short and stubby. Typically, the characters own huge eyes. Allure a mammoth round circle for the tendency. Allure a smaller oval that is approximately half the bigness of the head for a body.2.

You can translate your own features into Chibi embodiment with dwarf dilemma.



Divide the head into a cross pattern using light pressure. Draw two large eyes in the middle of the head shape. Erase the cross lines and add other facial features, such as a mouth and ears.

3. Draw the hair on the character. Use a similar length and style to your own hair. This will be the main distinguishing feature of the cartoon, so make sure it looks like you.

4. Draw small rounded hands and feet on your Chibi character. Add in clothing and other details.

5. Color in the Chibi character so that it matches clothing that you typically wear, your eye color and hair color. Add in shading if desired to complete the Chibi you.