Thursday, December 25, 2014

Browse The Racing Form

Reading "The Diurnal Racing Construction" to garner cue on particular horses and excitability a bit clueless? That's not surprising - there's a ton of dirt crammed in there. Here's read it.


1. Acquisition the Steed's honour in the upper left-hand corner of the chart, with the owner and trainer listed below it.

2. Glad eye for the Steed's weight, colour, day of birth, and breeding across from the designation, reading left to hold together.

3. Letter the sexuality on the upper border, listed before breeding.

4. Analyse the Steed's performance over the endure two elderliness using the figures in the upper right-hand corner.

5. Memo that the dates of preceding races and their outcomes are listed in the front wrinkle on the left.

6. Read the next four columns. They tell you where the horse was at the one-quarter mark, the half mile, the stretch and the finish.11.

Read the odds for winning each race listed in the next column.

9. Consider the horse's weight during each race in the next column.

10. Letter the address of the contest, distance and times of the relay, which are shown, respectively, in the following three columns reading left to right.7. Note the track conditions in the next column (see Glossary for definitions).8.

Read the next column, which indicates who the jockeys were and what their post positions were.

12. Learn the classes of the races the horse has run in the next column.

13. Find out the speed at which the horse ran in the various races by checking the next column.

14. Review the following column, which is called "the company line." It tells you which horse won, which placed and which showed in your horse's previous races.

15. Find out how many horses were in each race in the final column.