Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Play Guitar

Provided you've always wanted to memorize to play the electric guitar, or dreamed of performing on page in front of millions of adoring fans, there's no lifetime commensurate the indicate to receive started. While there's no warrantly you'll eventually play in front of millions of fans or attain rock star status, here are the basics you require to start playing the electric guitar.


1. Familiarize yourself with the electric guitar. Learn the names of its various parts as well as properly hold the instrument.

2. Begin by playing the scales. Continue until you are very fast and very confident. Note how you can change the sound by changing frets. Practice this to become comfortable with it.

3. Move on to simple songs. You can purchase basic music lesson books at a local bookstore or any music center. Continue until you are comfortable playing the songs and can play them with few if any mistakes.

4. Check out lessons and tutorials offered online. Many have taught themselves to play guitar using books and plenty of practice. Still, it can be helpful to watch a master play.

5. Listen to music you like and try to play it. The more you play, the better you will become. You'll be surprised at how quickly you will pick up skills.

Learn to tune your guitar and change your strings. This routine maintenance is key to your success.

7. Practice. Consider investing in lessons. It is the best way to learn solid skills and avoid developing bad habits that will hold you back as you seek to progress.6.