Tuesday, October 20, 2015

About Glass Painting

Approximately Glass Picture

Glass delineation is an elderly Craft that rises and falls in popularity as techniques and materials alternate. In the early 1300s, enormous glass projects were recurrently funded by wealthy families or ended church organizations as stained, coloured and painted glass were prohibitively expensive. The revival of recent glass illustration is no longer associated with iconic devout windows or detailed Victorian panels. Nowadays, glass portray has been brought into the Day-to-day galley, allowing any artist, from learner to Professional, to play with the translucent belongings of representation on glass.


There are two basic types of glass delineation: altitudinous campfire glass picture and low flare glass portray. Colossal campfire illustration requires the colouring or stain to be fired at up to 1,200 degrees, and low coals depiciton allows the distemper to be fired at 325 degrees.

Traditional Glass Painting

Altitudinous fire glass delineation is considered traditional. This is the stain and emulsion profession that has developed over hundreds of elderliness in union with glass panels primarily used as church windows. According to M. Bradley Walker's 1999 article in Scorching Glass, this type of glass depiciton uses four basic colouring mixtures: vinegar hint, matte, silver stain and oil-based paints. Vinegar hint paints are used for column labour. The colour is much just blackish and opaque. This dye is applied with both the surface of the glass vitality wet and the tint duration wet. Once the colouring dries it cannot be painted over whether an area is thin. The paint can be scraped away allowing for detail, shading and textural effects. These glass stains can be applied to most glass surfaces. The paints are hardened or fixed by baking in the kitchen oven. Generally, bake time will be something like 40 minutes at 325 degrees.

This paint fills in backgrounds and shadows, and its color range is somewhat limited to blacks, blues, browns and greens. It also fires to 1,100 degrees. For red, orange and yellow colors, silver stain, or silver nitrate, is used. This stain changes color during firing. This stain is generally applied on the other side of the glass from trace and matte paints. Oil-based paints for stained glass can also be used. These fire at a lesser temperature.

Low Fire Glass Painting

Low fire glass painting is relatively new. Products like glass paint markers are just entering the marketplace. There are a number of manufacturers who produce lines of paints and stains that range in features, colors and uses. Acrylic lines of glass paints offer opaque colors. Resin-based paints are transparent and offer opportunities to create frosted and glossy effects. Some products are more durable and intended for the regular use of the finished product. This paint is fired at 1,100 degrees to a smooth finish.

High Fire Painting

After trace paint is fired, matte paint is applied. This may vary depending on the manufacturer and exact type of product. Some glass paints are designed to air dry and to be more decorative than functional.


Moreover to glass painting, new products are available to imitate leading. These include adhesive lead, outline pastes and a variety of foil tapes. These products can be applied over the stain/paint work to further the illusion of authenticity. Moreover, the foil tapes can be used to join pieces of glass together allowing for even more options. Rubber stamps can be used for design with the enamel glass paints, and stencils will also allow for easy design transfer. One of the attributes of glass painting is that a drawing, design or image can be attached to the back of the glass allowing for a direct transfer to glass painting.