Thursday, October 15, 2015

Practice A Knee Drop

The knee Blop is a indubitable general transition for breakdancers Stirring from the uprock position to the downrock position. Chronometer any breakdancing film or limited breakdancers and you Testament examine the knee Blop used bout after generation. After moulding your uprock moves wow the organization for a rare steps, hurl in the knee drop to panoply off your downrock skills.


Strengthen Muscles for the Knee Drop

1. Focal point on leg strengthening exercises before you experience the knee Blop. Handle squats, leg presses and leg curls to create your legs stronger.

Transform lifting your legs one at a time and stay in this position for at least 30 seconds.

Practice the Knee Drop


3. Handle the invisible Stool to strengthen your legs. Rangy with your back against the wall as whether sitting in a Stool.2. Stretch properly to hot up your muscles and prepare your legs for the drops you Testament arrange. Stretch hamstrings and quadraceps.

Toprock until you are ready to make your transition to downrock.

5. Time your knee drop so it occurs with the beat of the song you are dancing to.

6. Lift your left foot up from the ground with your heel pointing toward the ceiling. Your shin should be parallel with the ground.

7. Swing your left foot toward the back of your right knee. As you swing your left foot, your toes should transition to point toward the front of your body.

8. Bend your right knee as your left foot hits the back of your knee. Your left ankle should come in contact with the back of your right knee.

9. Drop straight down to the floor, landing on you the balls of your feet and your hands.

10. Practice moving into different downrock positions and uprock positions after performing a knee drop.