Thursday, October 29, 2015

Create Photo Handmade Cards Free Of Charge

Concoct Photo Greeting Cards for Costless

Buying greeting cards for friends and family enclosing the holidays (or at any day of the year, for that trouble) can be expensive. And sometimes, the cards you descry in the store honest don't seem personal Sufficiently or declare what you indeed air. That's why it's more desirable to simply create your own photo greeting cards to correspondence to your loved ones, to actually accurate what you keep to communicate.

Visit Smilebox to create your free photo greeting card. Download the free software and editing program.6. Open the program and choose a template for your greeting card.

Practise decided the camera takes decent-quality pictures, so the equivalent on your greeting card will not gander distorted.

2. Unbolted your photo in Photoshop and Disinfected it up. Custom the differing tools in the programme to adjust confident your picture is crystal-clear and looks the expedient you want. Once the photo has the appropriate color, appearance and size, you are ready to place text in your design.

3. Click the text-box tool in Photoshop and write the greeting you would like to place on your card. You will be able to choose the exact placement, color and font of your text as it will appear on your photo design.

4. Save your finished photo design as a .JPEG or .PNG file in your "My Pictures" folder. This will enable you to easily find your design later when you are ready to make your card.



1. Capitalization a digital camera to proceeds a picture of yourself, your family or whatever words you hunger to immediate on the subsume of your personalized greeting card.

The Smilebox software has numerous templates for all types of occasions and holidays. Choose the one that best suits your reason for sending the card.

7. Open your "My Pictures" folder and click on your picture. Drag the picture onto the design in the Smilebox program. You can also add music to your greeting card or attach a caption.

8. Email your card or print it out and send it to your loved ones.