Monday, October 19, 2015

Draw A Fundamental Shoujo Character

Frame a Basic Shoujo Constitution


1. Compose a heart-shaped imagination with pointed chin. Freedom the facial features to fill in next, as these are the most decisive details of shoujo (and many types of manga).

"Shoujo" is a transliteration of the Japanese expression for chick. It describes a particular type of manga or anime for 10-to-14-year elderly girls. Owing to shoujo describes a rationale audience rather than a genus of Craft, there's no one style of shoujo. Typically, elsewhere of Japan, any anime cartoon with female leading characters and romantic elements, commensurate the regular Sailor Moon cartoons, is considered shoujo.

2. Trail a narrow trapezoidal shape for the object, production it slightly narrower at the waist on the contrary emphasizing the petite shape throughout (including shoulders, bust and waist). Add gangling, petite arms and hands with mini definition.

3. Allure a moment, nevertheless inverted, trapezoidal shape below the early one for the hips. You'll probably desire to turn this trapezoid into a flouncy skirt or dress. Add expanded, slender legs and feet similar to the arms extending from below the skirt.

4. Smooth out the straight lines of the body to give it a more natural shape. Add other body details but refrain from the accentuated body features (such as large breasts) common in some types of manga or anime.

5. Add hair in style, but keep in mind that the young female target audience will probably relate more to wholesome hairstyles with natural or pastel colors, bangs and pigtails or ponytails. Exaggerate the hair if desired, making it longer or larger than would be natural.

6. Add facial features. Draw the eyes first, exaggerating their size and flattening out the bottom edge to imply cheekbones. Draw a small "L"-shaped nose. Vary the mouth to depict emotion, either making it really large (to express laughter or shouting) or nothing more than a small line.