Monday, October 26, 2015

Assemble An Expert Press Package For Any Band

A experienced and informative press tools is a must for any grave band or performing artist. It is your resume and can invest in you worthy gigs, very as lose them provided done incorrectly. The ethical elements and info Testament being you in the choicest brilliant and Testament dash off booking gigs, getting appointments or auditions a still easier mechanism.


1. Assembling a press implements is not ambitious, however it requires that you add the critical break and aught aggrandized. Dawning elsewhere by getting a pocket document or collateral document to authority your tools. Not only will this be a way for the venue owner to see what you look like, but it can be used for advertising or posters.3. Include a one-sheet bio/fact sheet about your band which lists information such as your name, address, contact phone numbers, website url, management contacts (if applicable), short band bio, recent tour highlights, availability, and any special requirements that you will need to perform. Some venues also like to know what you charge, but this is optional.

Whether you carry an artistic flash, or a commendable graphics programme, it's always attractive to situate your band denomination on the front of the document.2. Carry a luminous, Expert looking picture of you or your band, preferably an 8" x 10".

Keep it short so you don't bore them.

4. Include reviews. If you have had show, or your music was reviewed or an article was written about your band, include copies of these in your kit. Copy each review or article to a single sheet of paper and include the name of the publication in which it appeared and the date. Do NOT include calendar listings, classified ads or venue ads announcing your upcoming shows. Try to pick 2 or 3 good reviews. Don't go overboard.

5. Include a CD of 3 or 4 of your best tracks and be sure to label the CD with your band name. This allows you to guide the person receiving your press kit to your best work. If you send a 10 or 12 track commercial CD, they will listen to the first couple of songs and then move on. If these aren't your best songs, you might miss an opportunity. If you have video clips, include these on a DVD or CD-R so that they can check you out on stage.

6. Put all of these items in your folder and include a short introductory letter. Once you've completed this step, you have a simple, professional and effective press kit that will help you get your foot in the door.