Friday, October 23, 2015

Draw Japanese Anime Cartoons

Delineation Manga style clan and corner can be a enjoyable, cool Issue. Draw the face. Most characters have simple shapes such as circles or ovals for eyes and lines with curves or bends for the lips and nose. Remember to add dots for pupils and curved lines for eyelashes.6. Clothe your body (if it wears clothing). In places where you want clothing to be tight to the body, use the body as a guide and draw lines for collars or cuffs. If clothing is draped or flared use a naturally wide part of the body (shoulders or hips, and use vertical lines to define clothing shape.

2. Get a clear image in your mind. If you are copying an existing Anime/Manga character then get a picture from a DVD box/poster/manga/online. If you're creating an original, then just a mental picture will do.

3. Use basic shapes, such as circles, ovals, rectangles, squares, triangles and trapezoids to outline the general shape of the character. Be sure to include hair as well.

4. Use smooth lines to connect the shapes and create the body. Then erase any guidelines that you no longer need.

5. This tutorial Testament appearance you attract your own Anime style people.


1. Decide who or what you want to draw. Anime characters cover everything from two inch imps, to 50 foot Gundums to mythical beasts and robots.

7. Add details like jewelry or accessories using basic shapes and lines.

8. Add motion. Use broken or short lines to indicate the direction of hair or clothing.

9. Decide on a background. This can be a setting (school, park, space ship, the under world), a pattern or even a solid color.

10. Erase any remaining guidelines or stray marks.

11. Ink and color if desired.