Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Create Vector Images From Photos

To construct vector images from photos, attract over your photos or replace the filters.

To assemble vector images from photos, you can either redraw the double and add colours or stylize the copy using filters. The overhaul of redrawing the form is that you can moderate it using anchor paths. The assistance of filters is it's faster and you can vary the object.

Adobe Photoshop is used by learned photographers to Redact photos in equitable a sporadic steps. GIMP can fabricate vector images from photos by using a quantity of filters. GIMP offers 21 layer modes. Inkscape has been created with illustration vectors in brainpower, so you can application it to redraw shapes indefinitely using nodes.


Adobe Photoshop

1. Expanded Adobe Photoshop.10. Click on the "Nodes" tool and adjust the lines to the lines of your photos. Click on the photo and pull it aside to see the drawing.

Birr the "Layers" palette. Double-click on the layer that has a lock. Allow this moment layer a head and click "OK." Snap to "Filter," "Artistic" and choose "Cutout." Allot the "Line Simplicity" to "5" and the "Border Constancy" to "3." Click "OK."

3. Moxie to "Filter," "Artistic" and choose "Poster Edges." Locate the "Line Thickness" to "2" and the "String Intensity" to "1" and place "Posterization" to "4." Click "OK."

4. Click on the "Layers" palette and click on the drop-down nourishment on top of the layer whether you prefer not to employment the "Filter" object. Choose "Overlay."

5. Click on the "Contemporary Layer" image at the backside of the palette, click once also on the drop-down provisions and choose "Concentrated Line." Go to "Filter," "Other" and choose "High Pass." Set the radius to "50."


6. Open your photo in the free GIMP program. Go to "Filters," "Enhance" and choose "Unsharp Mask." Change the "Threshold," "Radius" and "Amount" until you reach a satisfactory output.

7. Click the "Duplicate Layer" icon. Go to "Layer," "Mask" and select "Add Layer Mask." Click on the back color in the "ToolBox" to fill the layer with black. In the "Toolbox," click on the "Brush" tool. Choose "Circle Fuzzy" and set the "Scale" value to "10.0" and the "Opacity" to "50.0." Click on the "Foreground Color" and choose white. Draw over the picture under the darker lines to contrast them.

8. Click the "Duplicate Layer" icon. Give it a name. Drag the new layer at the top of other layers. Go to "Filters, "Edge Detect" and choose "Neon." Set the "radius" to "6.0" and the "Amount" to "0." Go to the "Layers" palette and click on "Mode." Select "Screen."


9. Open your photo in the free Inkscape program. Click the "Calligraphic" tool.

Trace with the "Calligraphy" tool.

Potency to "Folder," "Emptied" and search for the photo you yen to vectorize. Click "Unfastened." Drive to "Record," "Save As" and grip "Photoshop" (*.PSD, *.PDD). Click "Save."2.

11. Click on the "Select" tool and drag it over the entire drawing. Click "Path" and choose "Union."

12. Click on a color at the bottom of your drawing board and click on the "Paint Bucket" tool. Click on the part of the image you want to color.