Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Calibrate Your Camera In Adobe Camera Raw

Calibrate Your Digital Camera in Adobe Camera Unfinished

The Adobe Camera Uncooked (ACR) plug-in for Photoshop and Lightroom uses camera profiles based on one shot one or two cameras of a apt base. You can assume that your camera has the corresponding colour characteristics as the camera used to establish the ACR profile. Or you can profile your own camera for outdoor and studio conditions and potentially eye noticable improvement in colours. Brand-new software tools generate this a straightforward chore.


1. Install the ongoing Adobe Camera Fresh for your legend of Photoshop. (The instructions here are for manipulate with Photoshop CS3 or CS4. Provided you apply CS2, cite to the Chromoholics calibration manner famous in Manner 7.) For Photoshop CS3, you should corner ACR 4.5/6; for Photoshop CS4, invest in ACR 5.x. Both can be downloaded at the Adobe point (http://www.adobe.com). Further download and install the Digital Denying (DNG) Profile Editor, available at the Adobe objective. This is the programme you'll applicability to cause the profile for your camera.

Bend a Gretag Macbeth Colorchecker Colour Rendition Chart: $59 at B&H; $58 at Amazon. To constitute a calibration profile for your camera, you'll conceive a Untried photograph of the Colorchecker chart and then advantage the DNG Profile Editor to generate your advanced profile. You may be able to borrow a Colorchecker chart from a native photographer or print shop.

2. Photograph the Colorchecker chart as a Green data.6. Choose File>Export> and save it to your hard drive in the Camera Raw>CameraProfiles folder. Close and then re-open Bridge and Photoshop. You'll find the new calibration profile listed on the "Camera Profile" drop-down when you click the "Camera Calibration" tab under the histogram. Bracket your exposures to receive an image with all chart color patches well exposed.

3. Transfer your RAW file from your camera to your computer. You'll need to transform the image of the Colorchecker chart to DNG before you can use it with the Profile Editor. Open the Colorchecker chart in Adobe Bridge, use "Save Image" in the lower left-hand corner to save it as a DNG file. Or download the Adobe DNG Converter at http://www.adobe.com/products/dng/. Install the converter, then convert your Colorchecker chart to DNG.

4. Launch the DNG Profile Editor and choose File>Open DNG Image, then open your Colorchecker.DNG file. On the Profile Editor tabs, choose Chart (the far-right tab). Four small circles will appear on the image of your Colorchecker chart. Move each to the center of the four corner squares in the Colorchecker image: brown, teal, black and white.

5. Leave the pull-down menu in the center of the Chart tab at "Both color tables." Click the Create Color Table button at the bottom of the screen. You will receive a message indicating the color table was successfully created. Click "OK." This saves what Adobe refers to as a "Recipe." You can tweak your color table to accentuate various colors before you create your new camera profile.

For outdoor lighting, choose a sunny date, and position the chart with the sun encompassing 45 degrees to the surface of the chart. A clouded background surrounding the chart Testament lift decrease blaze. For studio lighting, place up a guideline copy shot (i.e., light heads on either side of the chart at a 45-degree angle). Choosing your new profile will cause ACR to use your new color table when importing RAW images.