Thursday, September 18, 2014

Obtain A Tanglewood Music Fellowship

The Tanglewood Music Centre (TMC), located in Lenox, Massachusetts, is the summer inland of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. These auditions take place on various dates around the U.S., and applicants are asked their preference of city and date on the online application.

1. Full the online use. Counsel required on the operate includes personal dirt, such as designation and label, ragtime education account and references with contact counsel (behold Means below).

2. Recompense the use fee. Credit cards are strongly recommended. Payment is also accepted by check, money order or bank transfer; all payments must be drawn on U.S. banks. An application is not considered complete until payment is received.

3. Gather the required submission documentation. Each program area requires specific information, such as musical scores for the composition program or a repertoire list for the conducting program. A resume and one to three recommendation letters are required for all programs.

4. Produce an audition recording. This audio recoding should be as professional as possible. The recording serves as a taped audition and should be on either CD or DVD, depending on the individual program requirements. Mail the audition recording and the submission documentation to the appropriate address before the deadline.

5. Give a live audition, if required. Some programs, such as the vocal program, require a live audition for selected fellowship applicants. Noted for its annual Tanglewood Music Festival, TMC offers intensive classical experience for recent piece students. Students are typical in a conglomeration of programme areas, such as conducting, Essay, instruments, piano and vocal studies. TMC again offers non-performance fellowships, coextensive audio engineering and orchestra lib.
