Friday, September 19, 2014

Make Paper Flowers With Art Attack

Cause tissue paper flower garlands with the kids and decorate the all-inclusive home.

Accomplish alluring paper or plastic flowers coextensive those specious on Craft Blitz. This is a amusing project that you can practise with the kids and aid operate their demiurgic abilities. Application coloured tissue paper or salvage colored plastic bags for this project. Adjust a meagre flowers or dash off a chaplet of flowers to decorate the door frame of a descendant's extension. Compose indefinite paper flower garlands to advantage as convivial bash decorations.


1. Frame 6 or 7 tear shaped petals on either colored tissue paper or a coloured plastic bag. Compose a circle slightly larger than the petals away of another piece of colored tissue paper or plastic bag.

2. Cut each petal out of the paper or plastic. This will hold the gather in place. Place two petals around the edges of your gathered circle and tape them in place. Continue adding petals around the center until you have the entire flower shape.4. Cut a 6-inch long by 2-inch wide strip of green tissue paper or plastic and twist from one end to the other to create the stem.

Pinch the circle in the middle bunching the outer edges up. It should look like a gathered circle. Place scotch tape around the part that you are pinching with your fingers to make the gather. Help your child if he has a hard time cutting the shapes out. Cut the circle in the same way.3.

Tape or glue the back of the stem to the flower.

5. Make different colored flowers and different shaped flower petals on each flower to add variety. Tape two or three pieces of green construction paper together and roll lengthwise. Use a green plastic bag if you want to make it out of plastic. Twist the paper or bag into a branch like shape and wrap, glue and tape your flowers to it to start making a long garland. Add more green twisted paper as necessary.