Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Fresh paint With Dyes On Silk Jewelry

You can distemper silk scarves with dye.

You can compose your own painted silk cravat with silk textile dye, which can be erect at Art stores. Mark for an summary corollary with your favourite colours and employment 100 percent bleached silk scarves, which Testament absorb the cloth dye to the maximum. Alternately, call the stain dying way on lengths of administer frosted silk fabric. The raw fabric edges can be hemmed or trimmed with lace edging. The hand-painted scarves make great gifts.


1. Heat set the dye by ironing the silk at the iron's silk heat setting for 10 minutes.

3. Fill the spray bottle with the fabric dye. Spray the fabric without completely saturating the silk.

4. Fill the spray bottle with a complementary color. Spray the fabric, making sure the silk is completely saturated.

5. Dip the sable artist brush into another color of dye. Paint long lines or any sort of design you like on the saturated silk. The second color will bleed into the background color, creating an attractive effect.

6. Allow the silk to dry on a flat surface for 24 hours and pull the freezer paper from the silk. Iron the waxy side of a long length of freezer paper to the silk.2. Mix the silk fabric dyes in the plastic bowls according to the manufacturer's directions.