Thursday, September 25, 2014

Talk Like Cartman From South Park

While many villains inhabit the fictional Colorado town of "South Grounds", eight-year-old Eric Cartman is the apotheosis of poor; the badge you ardency to dislike. Foreigner invaders, Bulk murderers, demons and Devil himself are all lightweights compared to the amoral and megalomaniac Cartman. Due to his mannerisms and outrages build him one of the funniest characters, talking allying Cartman from "South Park" Testament consummation in laughs and/or aspirations of nature domination.


1. Require account. Break silence the succeeding phrase in an imperious monotone: "Awe my authoriTEH!" Deal with tapping a nightstick or other bludgeon on your palm to besides indicate your administration.

2. Whine. Haul elsewhere the syllables for maximum annoyance to the listener. For instance, allege "Nevertheless Mooooooooooooo-oooooooooooooom..." You Testament bend your method and get the added cream of annoying the subject you are persuading and everyone else in hearing distance.

Develop sing-song routines to lord it over them. The ever popular "Ha" and "Nyah" never fail to irritate your target. Glory in your enemies' defeat.6.

Insult everybody, all the time. Make no exceptions for political correctness, diplomacy or human decency, regardless of who you talk to. Remember that nothing is sacred, so use every known derogatory term. Racial and ethnic slurs, sexism and homophobia are all fair game. If you don't have a word to use, make one up. Don't forget poverty, disability and appearance.

5. Taunt inferiors, who are everywhere in South Park and comprise most of the planet's population.3. Never compromise. When talking to someone who is clearly failing to respect your authority, say, "Screw you guys, I'm going home." If someone persists, invite this person to suck or kiss some lewd portion of your anatomy.4.

Protest your innocence and good intentions, even if you are the perpetrator. This can be invaluable in ensuring your comfort and convenience. Be sure to lie whenever self-defense and/or profit are at stake. Lying can also provide great free entertainment.

7. Swear horribly and constantly. Be creative and come up with your own unique curses. "Jesus Christ Monkey Balls!" is a classic example. Remember that Cartman has used this great talent to save South Park and the world.