Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Draw Proportions From The Human Form

When illustration the human form, it is relevant that you cram proportion the object fair. Once you become versed the basic sample of proportion, it is light to handle them to represantation Day-to-day. With date and knowledge, soon drawing human forms in proportion can come naturally.


1. Set off by portrayal the imagination. The scale of remainder of the object depends on the mind. Add interest and character to the figure by altering the proportions a bit. You may make someone tall and lanky, or short and stocky. Some women have very narrow shoulders and wide hips, while some men have very square shoulders.

When done, there should be eight equal sections including the head. An average adult's head is one-eighth of the entire body.

3. Place the shoulders at the height of the top dash. Draw a man's shoulders about three times the width of the head. The woman's shoulders should be about twice the width of the head.

4. Sketch the waist of the human form at the dash third from top. The hips are half a section below that. A woman's hips are about the same width as her shoulders, while a man's shoulders are wider.

5. Mark two spots just below the fifth dash from top for the knees. Rest the feet on the bottom dash.

6. It can be a preliminary Rugged shape for at the moment.2. Degree elsewhere seven aggrandized lengths Identical to the head, and mark the spots from top to bottom with a light dash.