Thursday, September 18, 2014

A Listing Of Rare Neopet Products

Neopets, a virtual House animal location, allows users to participate in a incongruity of activities including earning Neopoints, playing games and collecting items. There are thousands of items To collect and all of them vary in rarity. Some of them are considered rare or exclusive due to their bent to modify or embellish the looks of a user's House animal and others are district edition items that can sole be obtained for a short extent of bout.


Paintbrushes are considered rare or exclusive items on Neopets.One of the most wanted items on Neopets is the Lab Map. The map pieces are expensive and much compressed to come by, however the completed map allows users to zap one House animal Everyone hour in the Lab. The worth for each map piece varies and is constantly on the rise. Most players choose To gather the rare pieces one by one from user shops, but many players also offer entire map sets on the trading post for a price.

Paintbrushes are used to alter the colour and glance of a House animal and can be achieved by playing games or by earning Neopoints and purchasing the brushes wrapped up shops, the trading publish or the auction crash pad. Some paintbrushes are considered enhanced beneficial than others, such as the Faerie paintbrush, which Testament value a user on all sides of 4 million Neopoints, and the Lutari dye brush, which costs 20 million Neopoints and changes a House animal's species to Lutari. Users who accept accounts over four months antique can acquire Darigan, Regal and Child paintbrushes from the Esoteric Garret in Faerie Land.

Lab Map

Moreover to changing a pet's appearance, users can also gain an avatar the first time a pet's species changes after a zap.

Krawks and Draiks

Krawks and Draiks are the only pets on the Neopet site that require a user to obtain a rare and expensive item in order to receive one of the exclusive pets. Draiks are obtained by either purchasing a rare Draik egg and taking it to the Draiks nest to hatch or by purchasing an expensive and rare morphing or transmogrification potion. Krawks are obtained by either purchasing an expensive Krawk pet pet and taking it to the caves on Krawk Island and feeding the pet pet some fungus or by using a morphing or transmogrification potion.


Neggs are special and rare items that can do many different things when fed to a pet. Some Neggs, like the Armoured Negg and Blue Furry Negg, will increase defense and health to pets who fight in the battledome while others, like the Basic Power Negg, simply add to defense points. The Happy Negg will make any pet who ingests it happy and the Kaleideonegg will change the gender, color or species of a pet.