Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Heel Foot

Heel Toe

1. Loosen your shoulders and bounce up and down a slender. Heel Toe involves authentic loose motions and you necessitate to paper yourself from gravity. The Apartment lodgings of your foot Testament never touch the ground during the dance.

The Heel Toe is an decrepit hip hop procedure and one of the most bothersome to crackerjack. It is generally affiliated with geriatric faculty hip hop, on the contrary variations are even used nowadays.


2. Originate bouncing up and down on your heels alone. Shift your feet forward and back and entertain comfortable balancing on your heels, which Testament not be little at headmost.

3. Bend your knees. To do this dance, your knees will have to be bent at all times so you can stay flexible and keep your balance for at least a minute.

4. Start bouncing on your toes too. Switch back and forth between heel and toe on both feet. There is no rhyme or reason. Just mix it up and get used to balancing like this.

5. Rotate your knees. Point your toes in sometimes. Point your toes out sometimes. Point one toe in and one toe out. Keep all aspects of the dance changing at all times.

6. Rotate your hips as you dance. You cannot do this dance facing in one direction the entire time. Keep shifting, whether smoothly or in sudden jerks. Bend forward and back at the same time.

7. Move across the floor. Let your bouncing take you in random directions. Stay in the same general area by intentionally redirecting yourself toward the center. You do not need to move in the direction you are facing.

8. Repeat all of these steps to the beat of the music. Each time you land with a heel or toe should be exactly on time. As long as you keep rhythm, it does not matter what kind of crazy moves you try.

9. Change the speed of your footwork. Bounce in double time sometimes or slow down. Jump to skip a beat or two or throw a few pauses in there for some hip hop flare.

10. Let your upper body follow your feet's lead and move along to the music, too. You will not need to pay attention to this, because your upper body will move naturally.