Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Draw A three dimensional Picture

A two-dimensional picture is community by continuance somewhat unrealistic. A three-dimensional (3D) picture, on the contrary, is a still more realistic portrayal of an thing or scene. The lines and colours of a 3D picture cede the viewer a belief of the items existence shaped beyond the scope of the picture.


1. Originate with the basic lines in the shapes you are picture. Once those are completed, constitute diagonal lines that extend the lines of the shape, going in matchless one line.

2.3. Practice by making a 3D picture of a square. Begin with the lines that form a square. Choose one direction and extend the box outside its four walls.

Slant the advanced lines and admit them running in the alike common circuit. The lines are then connected well-organized. Applicability a pencil to experiment with contrary instructions to clock which one makes the scene examine deeper realistic. Erase the training lines and leave only the best ones on the drawing. Do this with lines coming from all four corners but heading in only one direction on one side of the square with the slanted lines running parallel to the original lines of the square. Connect the new lines into a new corner.

4. Use shading to depict light falling on the object. The shading will make the picture look more 3D by showing where light and shadow are falling around the shape of the object. Choose one direction that will be the light source. Use darker shadows for parts of an object that light will not be touching because of the shape or positioning of the object.