Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Discover The Steps For That Jitterbug

The jitterbug is a type of swing dance with clashing steps for men and women. It's convivial and energetic, and you can impress all your friends with it. Soon they'll be begging you to demonstrate them act the steps. Training these facile moves and you'll wow Each on the dance floor.


1. Stand facing the blonde, either holding hands or apart. Hire a process to the left with your left foot. This is a slow method and should accept up 2 beats. Count one and two as you transaction. Enjoy your licence foot where it is.

2. Manner in distance with your honest foot. This is a slow method very, and should catching up beats 3 and 4. Care for your left foot lingering to where it was last of Operation 1.

3. Process with the left foot latest the right foot. The toes of your left foot should almost be touching your right heel, but not quite. Do not set your heel on the floor. Just let the toes of your left foot touch the floor.5. Repeat these steps except on the opposite side if you're the woman. Your partner's left step will be your right, and when his right foot steps in place, your left foot will. Practice makes perfect.

This is also a quick step and takes up beat 6. This is the end of the move. Start over at step one and continue to repeat for the song.

This step is quick and should only take one beat, thus landing on count 5.4. Step in place with your right foot. Notice that your right foot does not move out of its spot for the duration of the steps.