Monday, December 1, 2014

Draw Cartoon People Stepbystep

Compose Cartoon Dudes Step-by-Step

There would be no cartoons without comic characters. Citizens are central to cartoons considering mankind drink in forming amusing of themselves. We end cartoons to poke witty at the revolting side of general public. Greed, animosity, stupidity, and arrogance are all popular themes in cartoons. Simplifying and exaggerating the extent of natural citizens Testament coin a Comical crop in cartoon bourgeois. The equivalent basic standard of figure sketch application to creating cartoon community, on the other hand you can acquire a bit else witty with cartoons.


1. Frame the basic shapes using a pencil. Haul the tendency of Everyone ethos with an oval. Add a "V" shape for the chin provided you are illustration a female. Concoct the chest with larger oval shapes below the attitude. Add the waist with a little upside-down triangle shape for the hips. Practise the hips wider on a female disposition.

2. Frame the limbs using manageable lines. Frame a cross shape over the face to conceive a sample for facial details. Attract match lines around the arms, legs, and bodies to thicken the frames. To create a guideline for an upturned face, place the cross shape higher and to the left, as has been done on the male character.4.

Attach hands on the ends of Everyone arm with mini Hand-bill guidelines. Attach feet at the ends of the legs with petite triangular guidelines.3.

Draw the facial details using simple shapes. Create a large nose for a male character with a cone shape near the center of the cross shape. Add a mustache to a male character with a flat, upside-down "V" shape. Draw the eyes with a circle directly below a curved line.

5. Add eyebrows with two curved lines above the eyes. Draw the mouth with a small curved line below the nose. Use a smaller cone shape for a female nose. Create female lips with a curved line below the mouth and a flat "M" shape above the mouth.

6. Draw a man's suit with a deep "V" shape on the chest. Attach a vertical line to the bottom of the "V" and draw a curved line across the waist. Draw a female's skirt with a curved line across the top of the chest and another just below the knee. Add the female's hair with a curved line around the top and sides of the head. Create a top hat for the male with a circle connected to a cylinder on the top of his head.

7. Create the man's bow tie by drawing a circle with a sideways triangle on each side. Add buttons with small circles down the center of his chest. Create gloves for the female with a curved line just above each wrist. Add shoes with a curved line across the bottom third of each foot. Ink all of the lines you wish to keep. Let the ink dry and erase the pencil.

8. Color the figures using art markers. Use gray for the man's suit, green for the woman's dress, and beige for their skin. Use brown for the man's mustache and red for the woman's hair. Color the man's bow tie and shoes red.