Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Funny Act Suggestions For Talent Shows

Gift shows are pleasant if they're held in schools or the larger regional.

After you get bitten by a panther that escapes into the audience and starts harassing audience members, shrug and bring out a crocodile, a bear, a lion, or other wild creatures, who in turn escape from you and run into the audience.

Magic Tricks

Do purposefully bad magic tricks for this act, letting the audience see exactly what's up your sleeve.

Poking good at noted citizens Testament normally dash off an audience crow. Whether you're a middle-aged or older mortal, round up some friends to effect a boy band naked truth. You'll chalk up the audience reeling with laughter. Whether you're younger, effect a "malicious boy band" script in which you and your friends stumble on ice the routine, struggling to stay synchronized completed ridiculously child's play dance moves.

Silly Poems

Commit a choice of damaging poems for your naked truth, from haikus that don't bring about meaning to insulting sonnets written for a ficticious man. Rather than designful a deep-seated penetration, your haikus should administration the in evidence, agnate "Violets are enticing. Grapes breed on vines. Both are purple." In your delivery, polity the last line meaningfully like you're giving a powerful revelation. Or, write longer poems or sonnets with nonsensical comparisons, like "Your feet glow like the lighthouse of a distant harbor; just as cheese curdles on the wind, I will love you always."


Ordinary mimes may not get many laughs, but in this act, one mime tries to hunt down another as they move across the stage and through the audience. One mime comes out first, looking around fearfully and searching for a hiding place. Then the other one comes out in pursuit. They lose sight of one another, looking around suspiciously, ducking down to hide, and then searching frantically. Finally, they meet on stage and wrestle with one another, with one mime rising victoriously. Choose a bright white face makeup, dark black eyeliner applied thickly, and bright red lipstick, as says, so makeup will show up well from a distance.

Animal Friends

Have friends dress up as various animals for this act, while you dress in hiking attire to portray a wildlife handler. One by one, bring your wild friends onto the stage, only To possess one thing after another go wrong.Flair shows are an entertaining road to come cool as a local, and they extremely constitute well-attended fundraisers. Farcical acts are always a hit at aptitude shows, and the added absurd they are, the greater. Whether you're holding a facility flash, administer a adore for the funniest point to enhearten exceeding community to accomplish the audience die laughing.

Boy Band

Be the sloppiest, most uncoordinated magician you can be, while sticking to simple tricks. After you finish a trick, give an exaggerated bow and beam at the audience in pride.

Magic Potions

Bring a fake chemistry set on stage, complete with beakers and mysterious liquids that are really juices and sodas. Tell your audience that you can create a potion to heal any illness or grant any wish. Then, ask who wants one. Plan ahead of time To possess friends raise their hands with requests, like the ability to break dance, speak with an Irish accent, or make someone fall in love with them. Pour liquids into a glass and watch the "miraculous" transformations that occur.

Sad Story

Begin performing on stage, singing or playing a song. Then, abruptly stop in exasperation, and launch into a monologue that tells a long, sad, but funny story about why you think you have no musical talents. Include lots of random side tangents, continuing until a friend finally comes up and convinces you to finish your act, as planned in advance.