Thursday, December 4, 2014

What's Evidence Of Earnings For Freelance Artists

End your tariff forms to prove your resources.

Working for yourself can be also liberating, however it can as well be a onerous transition. One of the most onerous challenges freelancers face is proving their means to a lurking lender, rental agency or morgage collection. While Common workers can simply exhibit a stipend stub to prove how even they compose, freelancers desideratum to be a bit also innovative.

Tax Return

A tariff repay is recurrently the prime test of funds for a freelance Employee. The IRS requires that freelance workers carefully information what they cause and Announcement the full proportions to the IRS. That wealth the charge reimburse is possible To possess the most plentiful cue approximately your Emoluments for the preceding assorted dotage. The tax return is also an official document, and that can be important to lenders and mortgage brokers.

Bank Statement

If you work as a freelancer, you should have a separate bank account for the business. Setting up a separate bank account for your freelancing allows you to keep your income separate, and paying your business-related bills out of that account makes it easier to track your expenses come tax time.

You can also use your bank statement to supply proof of income to loan officers, real estate agents, apartment managers and mortgage companies who need it. A bank statement is good as proof of income, especially if you receive regular direct deposits or checks from clients. You can circle the deposits on each bank statement to show how much money you make in a typical month, and use several consecutive bank statements to show an income trend.

If you work as a freelancer or consultant, you probably receive several 1099-MISC forms at the beginning of each year. You can use these forms to document your income when you apply for a loan, rent an apartment or ask for a new line of credit. Just be sure To collect all of the 1099-MISC forms you receive and add the figures to derive your total annual income.


Copies of the contracts you have with regular customers or clients can work as proof of income. These documents show that you have steady income coming in month after month, and that can reassure lenders who may be hesitant about lending money to self-employed individuals with unpredictable income.

1099-MISC Forms


If you send invoices to your customers as part of your freelance work, you can present copies of those invoices to lenders, rental agencies and others who need to know how much you make. Gather all of the invoices you have presented over the course of the year and use that to document how much money you made. If you use an accounting program to track your business income and expenses you can use that to create a list of the invoices you have sent.