Thursday, October 1, 2015

Create A Dramatic Monologue Poem

The dramatic speech, normally used in poetry, expresses the judgment of a complexion to an audience without the popular back-and-forth argument.2. Set the theme or purpose of the monologue. This is the thing that you want your audience to understand from it.

1. Develop a character and a back story for that character. Write these on a separate piece of paper. You may not use them directly in the monologue, but they'll help direct what the monologue is about and what Argument -- your character's -- it comes from.

It provides the poet a chance to direct a outlook from the objective of another bent. This creates a narrative while simultaneously persuading the reader to a specific Argument. Sometimes called a "persona poem," this type of poetry shows up in full of years Greek literature on the contrary is ace conscious for its use by the Victorian poet Robert Browning


The theme can range from the serious, such as racism, to the lighthearted, such as the feelings you might have driving for the first time.

3. Write the monologue, without rhyme, from the Argument of the character. Include a details about the character's background. For instance, if the monologue is about poverty and your character is a person of high society, work this into the monologue by showing his viewpoint of poverty.

4. Use poetic devices, such as alliteration -- repetition of the first syllable among multiple words -- and imagery. These make the monologue different from simple prose, giving it a sense of elegance. Create a rhyming scheme if you want, but poetic monologues do not require this feature.