Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Crip Walk Dance Steps

Originally, the Crip Jaunt was intended as a gang move--a conduct for one Gangster to differentiate himself from the members of other gangs.Repeat step one by tapping in front of you with your right foot and hopping forward on your left. Here's where you can start adding your own stuff. Once you have the general Crip Walk dance steps down, you can start adding more hops with both your feet, tap in front of you too as behind you, cross you feet and uncross them and whatever moves you can think of.

Countdown with your feet stable and your hands by your sides. In bit with the chin music, pick up your hold up foot and tap it in front of you, and hop forward on your left foot at the twin lifetime. Tap your hold up foot in front of your and hop forward again on your left foot. It should flash adoration half a stride where you're single stepping forward with your genuine foot instead of alternating with the conscientious and left feet. The rhythm Testament be adore this: step-hop, step-hop.

Step Two

Lay your feet together. Hop forward and to the left, hop forward and to the right, hop forward and to the left. Remember to keep your feet together as you do all the hops.

Step Three

In 2007, the Crip Saunter began to be performed by non-gang members, because its stylish, hip moves, and became an connection for dancers to strut their belongings. While the Crip Gait dance steps are amusing, they're meant to be a platform from which you can display off your dancing competence by adding frigid moves of your own.

Step One

As long as you stay with the rhythm of the music and the general Crip Walk, there's lots of room for improvisation.