Monday, December 28, 2015

Produce A Standup Comedy Press Package

A press apparatus is a important stuff in generating another media concern for your stand-up comedy circumstance. A well-written press tools Testament conclusion in another exposure as it creates less job for reporters who require to interview you. Advice in your press utensils should be neat and light to apprehend and comprehend individual the most substantial clue approximately you and your point. While you can take a publicist to practise a press apparatus, you can easily make a professional-looking implements on your own and save yourself some mode.


1. Capture a photographer to takings attitude shots. Print 50 or 100 copies of the finest Gunfire and build in one in Everyone press apparatus. Be trustworthy to supply identifying news on the front or back of the photograph so that a newspaper does not accidentally amble the defective photograph with an article.

2. Construction a logo for your detail. It is cinch to do this using a software graphics program or you can ask a computer savvy friend to design a logo for you. Use the logo on all of the printed materials you will be using in your press kit.

3. Write a short biography of yourself that is no longer than one printed page. Title the page “Biography” and list the city you were born in, your earliest comedy experiences, any television or radio experience and any awards you have won.

4. Type a list of all the clubs or events where you will be appearing in the next six months on a separate piece of paper. Be sure to include the dates and times of your shows.

5. Write a press release that mentions that you will be appearing in a certain city on certain dates. Include a second paragraph that describes the type of comedy you perform and briefly mention your previous experience. Type the press release in a word processing package that will allow you to change the city name and times for each city you will be visiting. Include contact information should a reporter wish to contact you. Include your website address if you have a website.

6. Make copies of the best newspaper articles that have been written about you and include them in the press kit.

7. Mail press kits to the media in each city you will be visiting approximately two weeks before you arrive.

Put the information together in a folder. If you can afford it, have a print shop custom print folders with your logo on the front. If this is too expensive, a standard pocket folder available at any office supply store will work fine.8.