Friday, December 18, 2015

Send A Prank Email

Sending a Escapade email can be lots of diverting, so lingering as you don't end anything illegal. Actually, it could probably be lots of fun even if you did do something illegal, but then you might end up being fined lots of money or thrown in jail, and that would definitely not be fun. So to obtain the maximum fun overall, we strongly suggest that you stay away from anything illegal in your emails. Otherwise, prank away!


1. Figure out what result you want from your prank email. Do you just want your victim to worry, or do you want to send him on a wild goose chase? Your answer will determine the type of email you send. As an example, presume you want your victim to feel guilty about playing video games.

2. Consider what authority figure your victim might listen to, and invent one. Prank emails from authority figures are great at getting people worried or making them follow random instructions. Try to keep your tone as formal as possible, and keep it fairly brief. Include a short accusation, an explanation of why the victim's actions are a problem, and then demand a change of action and/or suggest that punishment will be forthcoming.5. Change your sending email address to look like it might belong to the authority figure you just invented.

Think of a likely excuse for your chosen authority figure to send an email. Perhaps the college frowns upon students using valuable bandwidth to play video games.

4. Write your prank email. If your victim works at a large company where she doesn't know everyone at the company, you can create a middle manager. If your victim is a new student at a college, create a staff member.3.

If you are pretending to send an email from Fred Wilkes of Harvard University, your sending address should be something like

6. Double check to make sure your signature isn't on the email, and then send away!