Thursday, December 24, 2015

Info On Venetian Comedy Masks

The Venetian masks of the commedia dell'arte correspond to what became traditional roles in plays of that room. commedia dell'arte, which mode "comedy of the occupation" in Italian, refers amassed to the practice of acting in a play rather than to its words event, according to " A Short Legend of the Dramaturgy."


Commedia dell'arte lasted from approximately the 14th to the 18th century in Italy. The comedies, which were the set off of known acting in Europe, were recognizeable by distinctive masks that developed for inventory roles such as the Physician, the boyish male of adventure and the wag.

Classic Masks

There were other actors in the plays who did not wear masks. These included the male and female lovers and the maidservant.

The plays typically featured romantic intrigues, financial shenanigans or some other form of trickery. Classic masks worn by actors included the Doctor, who might be an old philosopher, astrologer, or lawyer; Pantalone, another old man who was typically the butt of jokes; the Captain, a boastful young man; and Zanni, the jester who was often a servant.

Other Facts

Moreover to masks, the classic characters typically had easily recognizable stock gestures, expressions, and costumes which always generated laughs.