Wednesday, December 16, 2015

What Eats Fire Bugs

Whether fire ants are discovered, ring pest authority these days.

Originating in Brazil, the flare ant arrived in the USA in the 1930s. The ants thrive in hot climates and are scattered from Seaside to Seaside throughout the South. With hardly any general predators, fire ants spread and breed easily and hold ripen into fairly a pest. Their sting causes a burning sensation on human flesh.

The ants are fried in a pan and eaten.


Fire ants constitute up to 50 percent of an armadillo's diet in the American Southwest, according to the University of Texas.


It may sound unusual, however persons are the strongest connatural predator of hearth ants, with many indigenous groups in South America consuming fire ants are atom of their diets. Ants are fat in protein and eagerly available. The ants are scooped up from their hills with stopgap colanders that sift away the dirt.

These ants spend significantly less generation in their burrow than other ants, moulding them easier targets for hungry armadillos.

Phorid Fly

The phorid fly has been used to combat infestations of fire ants. This parasitic fly lays eggs in the head of a living fire ant. When the egg matures and hatches, the ant dies and the larvae eat the ant's body for food. This has earned the phorid fly the nickname "ant decapitator fly."


Anteaters, closely related to the armadillo, also make ants a primary food source. The anteater's long, sticky tongue is capable of slurping up dozens of ants in seconds. The anteater is immune to the bites of the fire ant and happily consumes them. The aggressive anteater looks for ant nests, then disturbs them, causing ants to rush to the surface, where they get gobbled up.