Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Draw Women

Artists loves to trail women. It has insignificancy to determine with if you are a manlike or female artist. It's ethical that the female cast is augmented amusing, has bounteous curves and is artistically else angelic, than the masculine design. That doesn’t parsimonious that it's backbreaking to frame the female figure; still to the opposite. It is manageable provided you advantage a infrequent light tips.


1. Ticker your proportion. When you are delineation the human target, you devoir to early visually core on body politic. Remark the heighth. To receive the item proportion ethical, it is constructive to comprehend that the oppose measures eight attitude diameter’s big, so when you draw your purpose, nevertheless chock-full you frame it, you can degree the heighth of that intellect and measure eight of those downward and that will give you your female height.

2. Draw a stick figure, just like children do, and this will allow you to mark your eight head distance so that you get your proportions right.

3. Pull the shoulders out ½ a head's width. As you draw your stick figure, you want to pull your shoulders half a head's width out from the head.

4. Sketch a box as the hips. When you get to the hips, you want to sketch it out as a box that has the same width of your shoulders, and that box should be tilted slightly as a bent hip would look. You want your box sort of oblong or slimmer at the waist and wider where they meet the thigh.

5. Draw the chest box. Once you have outlined your stick figure with slight pencil pressure, draw a box from the shoulders down to your hip box. This box will start wider at the shoulders and then taper down where it meets your hip box. You want to give it the shape of a waist.

6. Once you have this basic female form, take your pencil and softly give your boxes and figure eight shapes curvaceous female curves. Your pencil strokes should be loose. Don’t worry about making mistakes or letting pencil marks show. You can always erase later, but most artists prefer to leave them because they give the form shape and a soft look to it.

Draw figure eight legs. The calf and the lower part of the arm are similar to the thigh and upper arm shapes but the upper figure eight is bigger than the bottom rounded edges.

8. Give your body curves. Give figure eight forms to the thighs and upper arms. You want to do a figure eight oval, or more like an oval that looks like a cartoon dog's bone, wider at the top thinner in the middle, and then wider again at the bottom, but not as wide as the top balloon part.7.

9. Practice. If you practice doing this a few times, you will soon get the female proportion right.