Thursday, December 17, 2015

Recover Erased Bebo Pictures

MySpace, a accepted social networking website, allows users to customize their personal MySpace page with popular players, videos, documents and pictures. If you hold accidentally deleted a picture or would adoration to retrieve one you formerly deleted, your picture may much be recoverable as gangling as it is in the MySpace server. Using File2HD, a clear server recovery assistance, you can recover your deleted MySpace pictures with a sporadic clicks of the mouse.


1. Log in to your MySpace history (clock Funds) and gem the period where the contemporary pictures that you deleted were placed, such as the homepage or a specific manual.

2. Commit to paper the Lattice directions, again confessed as the URL, of the Net episode by highlighting the complete Web address in the address box and pressing the "Control" and "C" keys on your keyboard simultaneously.

3. Go to the File2HD website (see Resources).

4. Paste the URL code into the text box labeled "URL" by left-clicking within the text box and pressing the "Control" and "P" keys simultaneously.

5. Click the check box next to the "I have Read and Agree to the Terms and Services" disclaimer.

Right-click on the picture URL and select the "Save File As" option. The picture file should be saved to a destination where all your downloads are saved.

Press the "Get Files" button to start the recovery process of deleted files. It may take several seconds to minutes, depending on the number of pictures you had stored on your MySpace Web page.

8. Scroll through the list and find all the pictures you want to recover.6. Select the "Images" option in the "Filter" section of the page.7.