Thursday, December 24, 2015

Produce A Vector Graphic

Vector illustration in the good arts.

Unlike raster graphics, vector illustrations body the points, lines, shapes and colours of an effigy using mathematical formulas. This landing allows images to be resized without degrading copy factor, which is critical in mediums coextensive print--where images may be resized from a Periodical ad to a billboard. Vector graphics are universal in illustration, three-dimensional modeling, movie and other applications now vector representations are typically yet smaller, and independent of form proportions. The steps for creating vector images are highly dependent on the editing software you account. One general-purpose stuff that is widely used in both commercial and positive Craft is Adobe Illustrator.


Adobe Illustrator

3. Draw the points to create the letter "E."4.

1. Emptied Adobe Illustrator, and create a new canvas of any size.2. Select the "Pen Tool."

Select a "Fill" color and fill your letter with it.

5. Add an "Extrude & Bevel" effect to give your letter a three-dimensional look. Choose "Extrude & Bevel" from the "3D" drop down located in the "Effects" menu.

6. Add other effects as desired.

7. Save your file. Adobe Illustrator will automatically handle vector and raster representations.