Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Weld Securely

Due to the highly flammable existence of arc welding, you must indenture a character of safety precautions in adjustment to weld safely. Conclude not minimize or discount safety precautions--welding is not an life conducive to shortcuts. Welding has many uses, however improper procedures can prove disastrous. Always choose to weld safely.


1. Gaze all Accoutrement for signs of wear. Analysis all valves and hoses for likely leaks. Spray all hoses and Trimmings with a gentle compound of dish soap and drool. Prepare the environment in which you'll be welding. Remove trash, cardboard, shop rags, flammable liquids and all other combustible materials that can inflame from a stray welding Glimmer. Administer doors and windows and turn on exhaust fans to effect full ventilation.

The soap creates bubbles on ice leaks. Moderate any damaged Accoutrement before appliance.2. Keep a working fire extinguisher nearby.

3. Dress appropriately. Wear grease-free flame retardant clothing that fits fast to your oppose. Wear gloves, high pants and shirts with extended sleeves to protect your skin. Deposit rubber bands around loose fitting ankle and wrist cuffs.

4. Wear an arc welder's mask that filters 100 percent of UV (ultraviolet) and IR (infrared) rays at all times. Severe retinal damage can occur without one.

5. Weld when you have an assistant in the room. Teach your assistant turn off the torch, shut off the tanks and use the fire extinguisher. Ensure that your assistant wears a welder's mask or looks away as you work.

6. Move welding tanks sparingly. Keep them upright and securely chained to a welding cart. You can use a heavy-duty shop dolly, if preferred.

7. Stand back from welding regulators when opening the valves. Keep the wrench attached to the acetylene valve in case you must shut it off quickly. When you're finished welding, turn off the acetylene first and then the oxygen.