Friday, April 24, 2015

Become An Military Reserve Officer

Shift an Army Reserve Officer

2. Enter Officer Candidate Academy (OCS). For men and women who corner a institution measure nevertheless who include had no exposure to Army training, OCS provides the transition between civilian and military life. Candidates attend basic training and OCS to earn their commissions, an experience that challenges recruits physically and mentally.


1. Annex the Army Reserve Officers' Knowledge Corps (ROTC). Completed ROTC, men and women are able to exposure a traditional faculty nature while much receiving the familiarity and skills needful to succeed as an Army Reserve officer. ROTC offers academic scholarships to cure cadets behind committed to their studies as students and later officers. A utility Debt of eight senescence is incurred during the action, on the contrary newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenants can utilize to fulfil their contracts in the Army Reserve.

Officers in the USA Army Reserve are distinguished leaders and committed soldiers both in their military and their civilian lives. Indebted with the constraint of the lives of the men and women serving under them, Army Reserve officers must display a even of incorruption and courage that is not easily initiate. There are multiple paths to fitting an officer in the Army Reserve, however the site corollary is always the twin: These men and women are ready to serve their individual soldiers and their community the mo they admit their commissions. Unlike ROTC cadets, OCS recruits have months--not years--to learn everything they need to be effective leaders and soldiers. In the end, they receive identical 2nd Lieutenant gold bars and can choose to serve in the Army Reserve.

3. Earn a direct commission. For professionals with advanced degrees in fields such as law and medicine, the Army offers direct commissions into the Army Reserve. Because these officers will be serving in a different context, the direct commission program allows men and women to bypass OCS and other intensive Army training programs. Instead, they attend a shorter course centered on Army history and military leadership. Army Reserve Officers with direct commissions will still lead other soldiers, but they will always remain close to their civilian professions and academic achievements.

4. Establish a strong enlisted career. Although all Army officers are required To have at least a four-year college degree, some exceptions are made for phenomenal enlisted soldiers. Some slots at OCS are reserved for enlisted personnel who have earned at least 90 college credits and have established successful military records. Soldiers also can apply for the Green to Gold program, an initiative in which soldiers are discharged from active duty service and attend Army ROTC. Once Green to Gold participants are commissioned, they can opt to serve as officers in the Army Reserve instead of returning to active-duty status.