Thursday, April 16, 2015

Glissando On Clarinet

Glissandos can be heard in many early appearance jazz pieces and the birth of Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Gloomy."

Performing a glissando on a clarinet is one of the augmented new techniques that a musician can attain. A glissando is a hurried slide nailed down a series of consecutive paper money in a scale. On reed wind instruments cognate the clarinet, this is remarkably exhausting seeing the paper money must be played without breaks. There are two ways to preform a glissando: the "finger slide" and the "upward lip."


Finger Slide

1. Play the first note of the glissando holding a regular embouchure.

2. Play the first note while changing the fingering to the next note.6. Hold down the pitch of the note by slacking your embouchure so that the note does not rise.

4. Launch playing a lower pitch of the elementary communication in the upper register by at least a semitone.

5. Slide your finger slowly off from the important you are playing while interest the embouchure regular.3. Slide the remaining fingers of from the keys in the twin operation until the final note in the glissando is reached.

Upward Lip

7. Raise the pitch of the note toward the next by strengthening your embouchure.

8. Breathe and throat while fingering to the next note. Continue this process until the final note is reached.